Building a Relational Culture

Rev. Vicky Elder, pastor of Unity of the Monterey Bay, opened the 2017 Fall Leaders Retreat with the following prayer...

We come together today – giving thanks for this committed community – and these beautiful retreat grounds where we gather; opening our hearts and minds to the Presence and Power of the God of each of our understanding…

It’s impossible to join in community without our hearts going out to those in our universal human community who are suffering the effects of natural disasters – hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and wild fires.

And then we shift our attention to all of the people around the world suffering from human activities – the war zones, the effects of terrorism – foreign and domestic, the many forms of human oppression, bigotry, and discrimination that undercut human dreams, and all those impacted by political and economic policies that put profit over people.

We also pray for a timely, humane, and compassionate resolution to our nation’s immigration issues – as we stand with our undocumented brothers and sisters who have, and continue to help build and sustain our nation – and the DACA participants who, in good faith, are counting on our nation to find a way forward that honors our promises to them.

Our theme today is Building a Relational Culture…breathing new life into the values of our democratic and faith traditions that help re-establish the foundation of compassionate and sustainable societies.

Father Edward Hays speaks (Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim) to “the secret of holiness” as realizing that the Path is a Companion Way.

Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, and Moses were all community-makers, recognizing the necessity of companions on the Exodus experience, the path from slavery to godliness.

Our COPA community is dedicated to this Truth…We know that all progress is created through collective action – remembering that community is:

  • Where we learn to support one another in surrendering our little-selves and lifting one another up to fulfill our greater capacities…
  • Where we join in seeking to be reshaped according to our highest moral and spiritual virtues; as mirrors for one another, we help quicken our collective quest to more fully embody the universal call to love and compassion towards all beings…
  • Where we encourage and cajole each other to go beyond our personal material agendas to the broader concern for others, as well as to prayer, and to balance…
  • And finally, where by sharing our daily lives with Companions on the Path, we help develop humility –-  through infinite opportu-nities for hidden yet significant acts of kindness and service…

So – we move forward, with hope, with commitment, and most importantly with faith…knowing we are supported in our good work by the strength and love of God…ready and willing to be transformed at depth by this holy encounter…

Amen and Amen…


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